
This is a WordPress mirror site of the pilleater Substack page, or, http://www.pilleater.com.

Please go to the main website to keep up to date.

This WordPress site only acts as a mirror. Plus, the articles are never updated here. They are corrected, revised, and later polished on the main Substack/website, at: http://www.pilleater.com.

The purpose of this WordPress is to copy data and save it, in case the state tries to destroy the original Substack website because of “hate speech.”

Other pages, such as pilleaterstuff.blogspot.com and mineomayafanclub.blogspot.com are legacy pages that are kept active online for historical reference.

The original Substack address before the .com transition was “pilleater.substack.com.”

If you can’t find a certain post or page under the pilleater name, try the Wayback Machine over at the Internet Archive and search this page, or the pages that are referenced.

Video mirrors can be found on BitChute, Odysee, and on the Internet Archive.

YouTube mirrors are encouraged too. Use JDownloader2 to download YouTube videos, and reupload them as extra mirrors, or anywhere.

Internet Archive data can be found at https://archive.org/details/@pilleater

pilleater video art is still up at www.ytmnd.com/users/pilleater.

pilleater is always on Twitter, at https://twitter.com/realpilleater

Instagram is a horrible platform, and all the photos on previous pilleater Instagram accounts have been uploaded to the Internet Archive. Instagram is only for digital art, and that digital art is taken for granted.

But if you still care, the official Instagram account for pilleater is https://www.instagram.com/pilleaters/.

As for YouTube, videos are uploaded there sometimes. Can’t say when.

Writing is the superior art form.

Again, this WordPress is here for the sake of dark data.



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